RIT SPEX Crowdfunding 2022

RIT Space Exploration (SPEX) is a community of people who are passionate about space. We are students of varied majors and fields of expertise united by our love of space exploration.
SPEX helps our members develop their technical skills through workshops and project experience. Our current projects include Rovers, Cubesat, and Virtual Reality. Rovers is looking to build a rover for competition in this summer’s University Rover Challenge (URC) hosted by the Mars Society. Cubesat is currently designing an experiment to test radiation shielding using magnets in Low Earth Orbit. Finally, Virtual Reality is working with Unreal Engine to create space scenes in VR. All of the above projects were proposed by our members and SPEX works together to make them a reality. In addition to SPEX’s projects, we also have the Astrodynamics team which often hosts observation nights in addition to various side projects.
The funds raised in this campaign will be used by the Rovers, Cubesat, and Astrodynamics teams to fund their projects. Possible areas of spending include purchasing raw materials, components, payment for manufacturing jobs, payment for competition fees, and travel costs to and from competitions. More specifically, Rovers will be using funds from this campaign to pay for travel costs for the URC competition located in Utah, purchasing sensors for the science team as they find a way to detect life using soil samples, and purchasing other miscellaneous components and materials needed by the other sub-teams. The Cubesat team will be using funds from this campaign to build a testbed for their radiation experiment. This will include purchasing Geiger counters, raw materials for the testbed, and electronics to run the testbed. Astrodynamics will use funds from this campaign to continue work on their side projects and host additional events throughout the academic year.
It is truly a wonderful opportunity to equip students with tools for success in the aerospace industry. However, providing these services to students comes at a financial cost. Creating payloads for high altitude balloons (HAB), maintaining our telescopes, and satellite development is expensive and we need your help to continue to offer this invaluable service to students. We ask you to consider a small donation to our group so we can help students reach for the stars.
Thank you for your support!