Get Involved

Project Experience
- Develop and apply new technical skills working on real hardware.
- Build your resume with space-related projects that shows your passion for space.
- Multidisciplinary experience working with team members from different schools and majors.
- 1 on 1 meet ups with space industry recruiters.
- Astronomy observation nights.
- Space-themed social events presentations and movies.
Who can join SPEX?
- SPEX is open to any undergraduate or graduate student at RIT.
- We are open to all majors, year levels, and experience levels.
- We are always looking for new majors to contribute to SPEX's multidisciplinary work.
We accept students of all years and majors and status. The next era of space development is here, we invite you to join us.
New Students
RIT Space Exploration is open to all undergraduate and graduate students at RIT. Meetings during the semester are at Gosnell Hall Room A300, at 1PM on Saturdays. If you are interested in joining SPEX, you can join our discord channel or send an email to receive more information.
RIT Space Exploration uses discord as our primary form of communication. We make most of our announcements there.
RIT Faculty
SPEX is interested in partnering with RIT faculty in a variety of roles. We are looking for faculty interested in advising SPEX members and project teams in the following fields.
- Autonomous Navigation
- Astronomy and Astrodynamics
- Virtual Reality
- PCB layout and design
- 3D printing and FEA
- Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS) and avionics
If you have expertise in other aerospace-related fields not listed, we would love to work with you on future projects.
SPEX is also actively looking to partner with RIT faculty looking to fly their research on future CubeSat missions.
Industry Professionals
SPEX is looking to partner with industry professionals to give our members insight into the aerospace industry. Prior outreach events have included presentations on technical work, resume reviews and company Q and A. If you or your company would be interested in participating in a SPEX outreach event, please let us know at our email. SPEX is also looking for corporate sponsorship to support its projects.
Have a question? Email us at